
Mini Breast Augmentation
Conveniently located to serve Toms River, Middletown, Freehold, Colts Neck, and surrounding areas.

Mini Breast Augmentation
If you want to achieve a minor increase in breast size and projection without the level of invasiveness traditionally associated with breast augmentation, consider a mini breast augmentation in Monmouth County. At Plastic Surgery of the Face & Body, this procedure is performed by acclaimed board-certified plastic surgeon Michael Nagy MD, FACS.

Mini Breast Augmentation vs. Traditional Breast Augmentation
A mini breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that is very similar to standard breast enlargement. The main difference is that in the mini version, the size of the implants is smaller. It typically involves breast implants that are less than 275 cc in volume. In contrast, in a traditional breast augmentation, the size of implants is usually between 275 cc and 400 cc.
Because the breast implants used are smaller, a shorter incision can be used, resulting in less trauma to the tissues. This in turn results in a shorter and more comfortable recovery process with less post-operative swelling and bruising.

The Benefits of a Mini Breast Augmentation
There are many benefits to having a mini breast augmentation performed:
A more natural look is achieved.
There is less trauma to the tissues of the breast and the tissues around it.
Smaller implants are much less likely to cause nerve damage than larger implants are.
Recovery time is reduced due to the smaller incisions.
Since implants are small, there is less stretching of skin involved.
The patient feels more comfortable after surgery than they would after a traditional procedure.
Because the alteration is subtle and natural, you won’t have to deal with endless intrusive questions about the change.
Implant Options
There are two options when it comes to implant type: silicone breast implants and saline breast implants. Both have a hard silicone shell, but silicone implants are filled with silicone gel and saline implants are filled with sterile salt water. While silicone implants are pre-filled, saline implants are filled during the procedure.
Many patients choose gummy bear breast implants. These form-stable implants are filled with a highly cohesive silicone gel, and they look and feel quite natural. Gummy bear implants are much less likely to leak in the event of a rupture and are extremely safe.
Breast implants also vary in shape, profile, and texture. The best breast implants for each patient will be discussed during their personalized consultation with Michael Nagy MD, FACS.
The Surgical Process
Generally, mini breast augmentation surgery takes about one to two hours. Surgery is done under general anesthesia, so the patient may have to stay in the hospital for a night.
Once the anesthesia has taken effect, an incision is made in the breast crease, around the areola, or in the armpit. In order to place the implant into the breast, a pocket is created behind the tissues of the breast. This pocket may be created under the muscle of the chest. After placing the implants into the pockets, the incisions will be stitched closed.
Post-Surgical Care
After your mini breast enlargement procedure is complete and you are cleared to return home, the recovery and healing process will begin. During this process, it will be vital to closely follow Dr. Nagy’s post-surgical care directions
Wearing a supportive post-surgical bra will be necessary, as will avoiding physically taxing activities. Swelling and bruising can be addressed using ice packs. Smoking should be avoided for the entirety of the healing process (and also in the weeks leading up to surgery).
Mini Breast Augmentation Cost
The cost of a mini breast augmentation will depend on the details of the surgery. Details that impact price include the time required to perform the surgery, the characteristics of the breast implants, and the exact techniques used.
Scheduling Your Consultation
Arrange a consultation to learn more about getting a mini breast augmentation in Monmouth County – contact Plastic Surgery of the Face & Body today for your consultation with Michael Nagy MD, FACS.